Experts insights

Revealing the Long-Term Impact: Bariatric Surgery’s Role in Diabetes Control and Weight Management

Cleveland Clinic is among four centers participating in a long-term study that found durable impact of gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgeries on blood-sugar control and body weight. A new study is offering hope to individuals with obesity and diabetes, showing that bariatric surgery can help to improve both conditions, even putting diabetes into remission in some cases, according to a bariatric surgeon from global health system Cleveland Clinic who co-authored the study. Ali Aminian, MD, Director of Cleveland Clinic’s…

Managing High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Obesity are Imperative to Preventing Kidney Failure

While anybody can develop chronic kidney disease (CKD), individuals with diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and other chronic diseases are particularly at risk and need to ensure they are screened regularly and manage their health condition well, says an expert from the global health system Cleveland Clinic. Globally, around one in 10 people have some form of CKD, according to the International Society of Nephrology and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations. “With CKD, a person often doesn’t experience symptoms…

Technology is key to improving the healthcare crisis

BJ Schaknowski, CEO symplr. America’s healthcare system is on the brink. Cracks exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic nearly four years ago have grown and multiplied. Many healthcare systems are operating at a loss, causing hospitals to limit their services or even close, with these lapses in healthcare availability hitting rural and underserved communities the hardest. Healthcare worker staffing shortages are causing declines in care quality and availability nationwide, contributing to an increasing sense of job dissatisfaction and career flight for…

Advancing Healthcare Through Digital Transformation: Insights from Mona Mohammad Al Ali

In an exclusive interview, Mona Mohammad Al Ali, Head of Health Information Management Section at Rashid Hospital, shares key insights into the hospital's digital transformation journey. Covering strategies to overcome challenges, the impact on patient experience, and crucial performance indicators, this article explores the comprehensive approach Rashid Hospital has taken towards digitization. 1. Overcoming Resistance: Mona acknowledges the expected resistance and fear of change during the initial stages of digitization. To address these challenges, the hospital implemented strategic approaches: Stakeholder…

From Shortage to Sharing: Digital Pathology Connects Patients to Experts

Kamal Director PathnSitu Biotechnologies The practice of tissue pathology in developing countries is fraught with challenges, primarily stemming from limited resources, shortages of subspecialists, and a lack of trained laboratory personnel and continuing education programs. This article explores the impact of these challenges on cancer diagnosis and highlights the critical role of trained pathologists in performing surgical/Onco pathology tests. Shortage of Skilled Pathologists: One of the pressing issues in many regions, especially rural areas, is the shortage of skilled pathologists.…