
Deciphering the Interaction Between Health Insurance and Digitized Medical Data in Saudi Arabia

A Comprehensive Exploration of the Transformative evolution. By Mohammed Irshad In a conversation that peels back the layers of traditional healthcare, Dr. Nasser Aljehani, the Executive Director of Enablement and Supervision and Medical Director at the Council of Health Insurance (CHI) in Saudi Arabia, takes us on a journey through the dynamic intersection of digitized medical data and the dynamic evolution of health insurance. This article meticulously explores the multifaceted dimensions of how the digitization of medical information is reshaping…

Public’s Enthusiasm for Health Technology to Avoid Hospital Surges, New Research Reveals

By Mohammed Irshad Recent research, sponsored by the NHS Confederation in collaboration with Google Health and conducted by Ipsos, sheds light on the increasing acceptance of health technology among the public. This study, involving 1,037 respondents, unveils a promising shift in attitudes toward healthcare technology, signaling a growing willingness to utilize innovative solutions for better health management. Technology's Role in Avoiding Hospitals According to the research findings, an impressive 72% of respondents expressed their readiness to leverage health technology if…

Exclusive Interview: Dr. Sumaya AlBlooshi on the Ministry of Health’s Vision for the Future of Nursing and Midwifery

Dr. Sumaya Mohamed AlBlooshi Head of the National Committee for Nursing and Midwifery Affairs at the Ministry of Health and Prevention. How has the nursing and midwifery profession evolved in the UAE over the past decade (Including Challenges faced), and what factors have contributed to its growth and development? The nursing profession in UAE has evolved dramatically over the past decade while the midwifery profession is continuing to grow. The Establishment of the Emirates Nursing Association (ENA) in 2003 supported…

Alhosn App: Digital Tool of Healthy UAE

As technology and innovation continue to advance rapidly, healthcare systems worldwide are embracing digital tools to improve public health outcomes. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a global leader in harnessing the power of digital technologies to improve public health outcomes, creating a healthier future for its younger generations. -Harshad Hussain B The country's health authorities have launched an updated version of the AlHosn app, a digital healthcare platform that now includes comprehensive vaccination records for children from birth until…

The Growing Trend: Kidney Stones in the Young

Until a few decades ago, kidney stones were primarily associated with middle-aged white men. However, recent data reveals a concerning shift in the demographics affected by this painful condition. Today, kidney stones are increasingly being diagnosed in younger individuals, particularly during the summer season. The rise of kidney stones among teenagers, especially girls, has become a significant health concern. Factors Contributing to the Trend While the exact cause behind this unsettling trend remains unclear, experts propose several potential factors. One…